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The best exercises to improve your heart health


The best exercises to improve your heart health

Many studies have indicated that combining cardio and strength exercises is more effective in improving cardiovascular health, the question arises whether you think about your heart condition, it is time to give it some attention...

Highlighting heart disease, cardiovascular disease can be said to be the main cause of death, Where one person dies every 37 seconds. However, you can reduce your risk of heart disease by making lifestyle changes by making healthy habits, whether thinking about physical activity "exercises," and eating heart-healthy foods.

 How to be strong-hearted

Already you should care and think about your heart like any other muscle in your body, Strengthening your muscles once or twice a week can reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke, In addition, building the muscle mass of the body enhances the benefit of metabolism, Thus the body helps burn the solvent from calories, making it easy to maintain a healthy weight.

Cardiovascular exercise undoubtedly improves cardiovascular health, because it increases heart rate. Thus, blood flow (pumping) throughout your body helps improve or enhance cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Cardiac exercises and strength

In pictures Learn about the best exercises that help you strengthen your heart: -

Cardiac exercises

Exercising cardiovascular exercises is the best way to improve cardiovascular health performing these exercises, as they are useful for strengthening the cardiovascular muscle, helping to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as that cardio exercises improve oxygen flow throughout your body, thereby reducing your risk of health problems.

Heart movements involve raising arms upwards, it's an effective way to get rid of breath better and faster during cardio "exercise."

1. Exercise

 This exercise helps raise your heart rate, lift your arms up above your head, with one knee raised, keep raising your arms every time you lift your knee, then lower your arms down when you take the knee down.

2. Kickboxing

It should be noted that kickboxing is an influential movement that brings burning, in this exercise, you will hit your body with your right arm in the left direction and you squeeze your Yemeni foot into place, then replace directions 10 times on each side.

3. Deceleration and breathing exercises

Slowing and breathing exercises help calm your nervous system which contributes to promoting heart health. These exercises help improve factors that contribute to the risk of heart disease, such as relieving anxiety and stress and lowering blood pressure.

Also, people who sit in their offices all day, can sit or stand up and then clamp your hands behind your back, and put your shoulders back, take a slow, deep breath, which will open the front of their chest and body.

4. The strength of the heart extends

Raise your arms upwards with your hands closed and your back bow, while continuing to move during this stretch that will really wake your body, generally doing these exercises several times a day is best to open the front of your chest and body.

Force training

In the end, we should not forget about strength exercises and how they contribute to and promote cardiovascular health, as these exercises help improve risk factors for cardiovascular disease, for example, high cholesterol and blood pressure).

Strong muscles lead to burning more calories, and therefore fat loss, finally we recommend doing these workouts at least two or three days a week to get the health benefits.

1. Sit Down When You Can

This exercise works out at work too, simply place your feet on the floor with the width of your hips, then stand up and then sit down, like squats repeat this ten times.

2. Rush to the side

I see it is a simple move, which is to rush to the side, step to the right with your right foot and bend the left knee, press the right heel and return to the starting position, repeat it ten times.

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